Poem of the Week : Metamorphosis

By Divya Jain


– By Divya Jain

Amidst the confines of those walls

Biding time second by second

The little child waits eagerly

To break free

To feel the warm sun

To breathe in free air

To inhale the scents around

To catch a glimpse of nature’s bounty

And mostly to fly; fly high in the open sky

But oh this wait! This excruciating wait!

Every minute a test of his will

Each moment an ordeal

Even the slightest movement brought so much pain

Well, they always did say

Change never came easy

And all good things take time

So he bore it all with forbearance

Employing all he had- strength, determination and hope

Finally, came the dawn he so anxiously awaited

All inhibitions did finally come loose

And lo behold! The tiny being did  transform!

Look at its wings, those beautiful wings

Oh how lovely they look!

Which was once a drab cocoon, carries now a million hues

Seeing the world in a much different light

His new self is now ready to take flight

Which once seemed like his funeral pyre

Was instead the stairway to his innermost desire

His life took a complete roundabout

And he found amongst those torturous thorns,

The divine rose welcoming him with open arms!


Author’s Bio

Divya Jain

A literature enthusiast, Divya loves discovering the intricacies of language, truly believing in the saying “the pen is mightier than the sword”. With an inquisitive nature and a keen interest in learning new things, she is always on the lookout for something new and interesting to stimulate and challenge her mind.



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