Lit Guides

Check out our fine collection of study guides containing summaries, analyses and many more.

The Blue Bead | Summary and Analysis

The Blue Bead by Norah Burke is a story that follows a day in the life of an ‘Indian’  girl who saves a Gujjar woman from being shred to pieces by a crocodile. At the end of her rather adventurous day, what becomes more eventful for the little girl is  having come across a blue

Caged Bird | Summary and Analysis

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Hearts and Hands | Summary and Analysis

  Hearts and Hands : About the story    Hearts and Hands is a well crafted, smart story which bears the stamp of O. Henry’s wit and his signature twist-ending. The story follows an incident involving three people : a  policeman, a prisoner and beautiful lady. The two men happen to be on the same

The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin : Summary and Analysis

The Story of an Hour : The Story  The Story of an Hour, originally titled The Dream of an Hour by Kate Chopin concerns a curious episode in the life of a woman who has just heard the news of her husband’s death and who comes to terms with the consequences arising thereof. Blasting off

Going Places by A. R. Barton | Summary and Analysis

 About the story           Going Places is a short story  by A. R. Barton which presents the perceptions, dreams and desires of an adolescent girl. The readers get a glimpse in the life of the protagonist, Sophie: her relationship with her friends and family, her socio-economic position and her dreams and

To Build a Fire | Summary and Analysis

             To Build a Fire,  a tale of man’s struggle against nature by Jack London sheds some light on various aspects of the human condition and man’s place in the universe. It follows the icy, Arctic journey of a man and his dog in a cold and harsh setting of

Birches by Robert Frost | Summary and Analysis

Birches : The poem            Birches  is a wisdom-laden poem by Robert Frost which was a part of a collection titled Mountain Interval (1916). Written in blank verse and composed in a charmingly conversational tone, the poem revolves around the themes of  the nature of Truth, the relation between fact  and

John Brown | Summary and Analysis

           John Brown is an interesting anti-war lyric which describes the horrors of war and the ease with which young men find themselves trapped in one. The idea of being a hero in the battlefield is as tantalizing as it is fatal. This idea of heroism in often driven by a

Quality by John Glasworthy : Summary and Analysis

  Quality : The story Written in first person point of view, Quality is a touching account of a passionate shoemaker whose love and dedication towards his work is ruthlessly trampled under the juggernaut of Big Money. It is an account of how artists inevitably are the product of socio-economic conditions of the age they

Crossing the Bar | Summary and Analysis

Crossing the Bar : The poem Composed by Tennyson in 1889, three years before he died, Crossing the Bar is an intensely personal poem which engages with the  themes of old age,  faith, doubt, life and death. It is said to have been written by Tennyson in a single sitting while he was crossing the

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